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Castletown Accordion Newsletter out now
There is a new Newsletter available with all the latest from Castletown Accordion Orchestra available for download - CLICK ATT
There is a new Newsletter available with all the latest from Castletown Accordion Orchestra available for download - CLICK HERE

World rated Accordion Orchestra to perform a FREE Concert as part of Cavan County Council Culture Night Series
16th Sept
In celebration of National Culture Night Friday 18th September 2015, Mullagh based Castletown Accordion Orchestra, who have represented Ireland at World and European level, will perform a free concert in Mullagh Hall commencing at 8.30pm. Sponsored by Cavan Arts Council, the orchestra will perform both classical and contemporary pieces which are sure to entertain all ages.
According to the Castletown Accordion Orchestra Musical Director, John Chilton “People who have not heard an accordion orchestra perform before will be very surprised at the standard of music that can be achieved on these instruments. We have a number of different orchestral levels ranging from elementary to senior. It is the Senior Orchestra that will perform for National Culture Night 2015 and we thank Catriona O’Reilly, Arts Officer, Cavan County Council for affording us this opportunity. We have a real treat in store for those who attend the concert in Mullagh Hall on 18th September. Among our repertoire is a beautiful arrangement of traditional Italian songs, the Italian Suite; extracts from Phantom of the Opera, some well known Irish Music and what will surely bring the house down, our rock and roll classics”
Castletown Accordion Orchestra has represented Ireland at both European and World level and has won multiple awards. They have also completed an acclaimed concert tour of The Dolomites in Italy. They are currently inviting new members to join, age from 6 upwards. Registration will take place on Friday 18th September at 5 p.m. in St. Kilian's National School, Mullagh, where the musical directors and teachers will be available to discuss the various options re instrument rental and lessons that are available. All teachers are fully qualified and Garda vetted and students are taught in small groups of no more than 4.
Thank you
Castletown Accordion Orchestra would like to thank all who helped make our recent joint fundraiser such a success. a sincere thank you to our kind sponsors, our 'expert' guides, intrepid walkers, busdrivers, caterers, stewards, dancers,musicians ans staff of The Heritage Centre. To all who helped in any way we are very grateful. We received €2836.15 from the event.